As I wake to start another day,
Please forgive me for the mind games that I intend to play,
And for the heart's, cold, I shall turn,
All because my heart, too, was once burned
But know that a devil, I was never intended to be
I wasn't born this way
I acquired the taste naturally
And know that I realize that I need to change
I guess that is why you have
Already sent a man
Block's within my heart's range
The same one who is caught up
And just as twisted as me
Yet every night, he's all that I see
My Adam, while all others are duplicates of his rib
Please give me the strength to want to lose myself
Trust myself
Acknowledge myself
And find peace outside of the streets
Love in my heart
And acceptance in yours
Allow the heart's that I have decimated
To heal
And forgive me for all of my ill will
And let them know that they were just the marks
From the deception of my own hurt and pain
Through my deception
Allow them to recognize real love
And grab it with a hunger
A thirst
The same zest that I will one day need in me
Hope to one day receive
As my welcome home
And my au revoir out of the game
Like a parolee out from a prison sentence
Fire tamed
My jail break
I am free!
--Anesa Laneigh
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