Monday, February 8, 2016

Close my Nightmare

He was six feet two
With skin that radiated with the sun
So golden and so brown with love
And that hair with coils and curls...
Intelligence that chilled me at the spine 
A physique that needed exploration using touch
But he couldn't get it together.

Constructed as perfection of man
With kindness that kills you, so sweet
So calm, with waves that continuously flowed
And personable. a personality like no other...
Mystifying and magical in all it embodies
A truth that's unimaginable to those around
But he couldn't get it together.

I wasn't enough for him
Though my soul yearned for only him
But God had a plan for us 
And it wasn't our time to love
What seemed as destiny was only misled
A series of infinite torture to love
But we couldn't get it together

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