Wednesday, February 28, 2018

11 Degrees of Narcissism: March Inner-Work Healing Plan

Identifying narcissism in others is easy. However, it becomes difficult when the light is turned and you become the subject. In my opinion, self-reporting tests can improperly characterize a person and leave you feeling confused and misunderstood. On March 1, 2018, our mother Moon moves 11 degrees into Virgo--the loyal, hardworking, brutally perfect narcissist. This 11-day inner-healing plan is designed to not only uncover the small (and, frankly, innocent) narcissistic tendencies we all adapt as journeying adults, but to heal those parts of our hearts that normalize the negative effects in our relationships with ourselves, others, and our Most Divine. It is intended to be inclusive and accessible to all souls, not as a substitute, but a stepping stone to individual healing journeys. It will include daily devotion, an easy movement gesture, a musical herb, and a short discussion question created to reengage in self-awareness. Join me as we unpack the 11 behaviors that prevent us from showing empathy, trust, and accountability in our love of life.

Are you in?

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Tuesday, February 27, 2018

The NEW SmallPink Dreams

I am proud to announce new changes to my blog! Introducing the upgraded SMALLPINKDREAMS. This blog has evolved with my life and has creative work that reflects that part of my life.
Now that I am GROWN and SEXY--It's time for my blog to evolve as well.
Take a look at the new blog and let me know what you think!
Another Announcement at Midnight! 12AM CST!