Thursday, November 29, 2018

"sEnd MoNeY": 4 Tips to Hustling For What You Are Worth

What is your value? Lately my fingers have been itching to find means of income by using the skills and dreams I have been scheming on. It's time to move forward with all of the ideas brewing in my head. So with a little research--which is really just hours of scrolling on Pinterest and Instagram using hashtags like 'how to wake up and grind' or 'how to get your sh*t together quick'-- I found some extremely helpful tips that I have been trying to implement in my life to start making money moves.

1. Expanding Your Network

Word on the streets is that you must know someone who knows someone to be someone. By expanding your network, I believe that it has potential to unlock a part of your personal character that will aid in your success. You can expand your network through random conversations with strangers about their work or reaching out to a company to pitch an idea. You never know the type of bridges that you can create with someone and it is a good way to get your foot in the door of your dreams. Besides, all sorts of successful people have lit circles that invest in their projects, motivate their best work, and hype the end product by endorsements. Just look at Cardi B--she was able to make substantial amount of progress in her work by connecting with New York producers, promoters, and DJs by capitalizing on the relationships she made out of the strip club, Instagram and eventually Love & Hip-Hop: New York. Get out there, say hello, and make business partners in your hustles.

2. Writing It Down

Tracking your goals, progress, and contacts down are by far the best way to visualize your hustle. There are plenty of ways to accomplish this: vision boards, journals, blogs, etc. How else will you know what you need and how to get there? Unless you have the necessary brain space to store, compartmentalize, and reflect on your business goals, I recommend recording your hustles. I store my ideas in so many places (which I think in light of this post I will need to put in one place), like my iPhone notes, Google Docs, and my journals. I write pretty much every idea I have and what I envision they would be like. When I think of things to write down and record I think of: 

    • what the projects are, what are the projects' mission
    • why do I want do pursue this project
    • what steps would I need to be successful
    • are there other people doing this/ who am I inspired by
    • what do I need to do to find my end goal successful
3. Start Working on It
Everyday do something towards your goal. Whether it is spending hours researching and asking Google and blogger boards question (with no spectrum of a good or bad question), anything helps. Chicago mayoral candidate and formal 2016 presidential candidate Dr. Willie Wilson once told me "when you are sitting down to rest, there will always be someone getting up, in front of you." In other words, never stop the grind. I love endlessly scrolling on Pinterest researching ideas that I have and how other people are doing it. When I began My Dream Stitch Crochet Boutique, I googled new projects all the time for basic patterns. I made the new creations then I put my original touch on the patterns by implementing the ideas I draw in my journal. There's no more time to wait around, start right now!

4.. Invest
-"It takes money to make money" -me (and if someone else, that's cool, too, send me their name). Even if it may not be your money in every circumstance (I'm learning that wise business people almost always have external investors), every dollar should be invested towards your plan. As frightening as it may seems, people receive loans everyday that are for their future. With all pride aside, putting aside money for your dreams are apart of the hustle. The money is the hustle and it must always constantly flow. Some ways you can begin to invest:

    • setting aside money weekly/bi-weekly/monthly/yearly
    • create a business/hustle budget
    • open a business account *not necessary for small ventures/ projects for obvious reasons
    • track your purchases and sales using booking keeping, receipts, and accounting templates
    • create business cards *necessary for anything and everything for everybody!

I personally know that entrepreneurship may seem confusing and even difficult to begin. I encourage that if you are looking for a hustle, hustling takes sacrifice, a little wits, and a lot of action.  However, I believe we all have that hustle spirit within us that allows us to make smart business and financial decisions. Until then,

sEnd MoNeY, pls.. 

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