Thursday, April 28, 2016

I Learned About Being a Water Sign

So lately, I've had this weird spiritual craving to learn more about my astrology. I always hear everyone talk about their sun sign, moon sign, water signs, earth sign, etc, etc, etc, The only thing I knew is that I was born on the first of July and my zodiac sign was a cancer. But to my surprise, my birth date means so much more to my identity and energy that I had ever imagined. Lemme break it down for you:

July 1
Sun: Cancer
Ascending Sign: Virgo
Moon Sign: Capricorn (who would've thought!)
Water Sign

What I learned about this is that I'm a nurturer, a protector, a mother. I am able to empathize and sympathize with anyone who trusts me to open up to me--which I also tend to take on their problems as my own. I am vulnerable. I am gentle. I am romantic and sensual. I am passionate.I just want to love anything and everything with my whole heart.

As I read this on, it just made so much sense. I am still in the state of shock after having mother earth clapback at me about how she truly knows me; and I don't know how to process this information. Plus its 3:48am and I've rested all evening so my brain is still relaxing. 

If you're a Pisces or Scorpio, you're not exempt from this either! Here's what says about you:

Scorpio's domain is to investigate the two most personal of inter-relationships: sexual and financial transactions between individuals. (Social scientists tell us most people would sooner speak about sex than money--both, very private matters!) Scorpio's sexual side represents the sign's control over the perpetuation of the species. Symbolized by the phoenix rising from the ashes, Scorpio governs the 8th house, representing birth, death and regeneration. Scorpios have a shrewd business sense (the 8th house is also a financial one, ruling "other people's money") and therefore Scorpios make superb negotiators. Their mysterious nature inhibits them from giving away information to the other side.

Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac and a compilation of all the signs that came before, which is why Pisces blends so well with other signs. Outer-directed, Pisces' deep spirituality leads them to help others on a one-to-one basis (unlike air sign Aquarius' approach: doing good with others). Pisces are moved to relieve any pain they perceive in another, and they stand ready to offer the very shirt off their back. Pisces rules sacrifice, and there is almost nothing Pisces won't do for a relative or friend in need.

Is your mind as blown as mine is? 

Until I come with some conclusions and more insight on what this means for me, I'll just keep swimming!

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Mercury is in Retrograde!

Hide your kids! Hide your Wife! Because Mercury is in retrograde!

Okay, on a serious note. If you're earth sign is a Taurus, this is a big thing for you, because from April 28, 2016- May 22, 2016 you will be the most frustrated and productive as you ever been. According to, "About three or four times a year, Mercury speeds past Earth, and that is when we experience a Mercury retrograde period." 

This is important y'all, because Mercury controls all types of communication, including listening, speaking, learning, reading, editing, researching, negotiating, selling, and buying. Mercury also rules all formal contracts and agreements, as well as important documents such as book manuscripts or term papers, agreements, deeds, contracts, leases, wills, etc. 

I was introduced to this from Tumblr when I saw this post:

And I was wondering why was this important, because I saw on Twitter a post about it. So I finally decided to research into it (I've had this weird spiritual craving to learn about astrology) and my mind was blown with what I learned. I am truly interested to see how my Taurus friends will behave. 

Here's a calendar of the dates Mercury will be retrograde:

January 5 - January 25, 2016 in Aquarius, ends in earth-sign Capricorn
April 28 - May 22, 2016 in earth-sign Taurus
August 30 - September 22, 2016 in earth-sign Virgo
Dec 19 2016 - Jan 8, 2017 in earth-sign Capricorn, ends in fire-sign Sagittarius
Dec 19, 2016 to Jan 8, 2017 earth-sign Capricorn, to fire-sign Sagittarius
April 9 - May 3, 2017 earth-sign Taurus, to fire-sign Aries
August 12 - Sept 5, 2017 in earth-sign Virgo, ends in fire-sign Leo
December 3 - December 22, 2017 in fire-sign Sagittarius
March 22 - April 15, 2018 in fire-sign Aries
July 26 - August 18, 2018 in fire-sign Leo water-sign Scorpio
November 16 - December 6 in fire sign Sagittarius, ends water sign Scorpio
March 5 - 28, 2019 in water-sign Pisces
July 7 - 31, 2019 starts in fire-sign Leo, ends in water-sign Cancer
October 31 - November 20, 2019 in water-sign Scorpio
February 18 - March 9, 2020 in water-sign Pisces, ends in air-sign Aquarius
June 17 - July 12, 2020 in water-sign Cancer
October 13 - November 3, 2020 in water-sign Scorpio, ends in air-sign Libra
January 30 - February 20 in air-sign Aquarius
May 29 - June 22 in air-sign Gemini
September 27 - October 18 in air-sign Libra
January 14 - February 3 starts in air sign Aquarius, ends in earth-sign Capricorn
May 10 - June 2 starts in air sign Gemini, ends in earth-sign Taurus
September 9 - October 2 starts in air-sign Libra, ends in earth-sign Virgo December 29 - January 18 in earth-sign Capricorn
See above, Dec 29, 2022 - Jan 18, 2023- goes direct in earth sign Capricorn
April 21 - May 14 in earth sign Taurus
August 23 - September 15 in earth sign Virgo
December 13, 2023 - January 1, 2024 in fire-sign Sagittarius
See above, January 1, 2024 goes direct in fire-sign Sagittarius
April 1- April 25 in fire-sign Aries
August 4 - August 28 in earth-sign and ends in fire-sign Leo
November 25 - December 15 in fire-sign Sagittarius

Are you ready for Mercury Retrograde season?

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Hey y'all! First I want to say thank you to everyone who has been reading my blog posts and giving me great feedback. I'm loving the vibes that y'all feeling about my thoughts. So thanks!

A few people have mentioned that they have had a hard time figuring out how to subscribe to my blog. So here's a break down of some different ways you can stay interactive with SmallPinkDreams.

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So I haven't quite figured out how to make the mobile app easier to navigate, so we have to work around it. A way that you can subscribe to my blog is by 

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Monday, April 11, 2016

5 Things I Found Out When I Started Drinking More Water

Water. It makes up about 71% of the world and I happened to live near one of the largest fresh water lakes in all of the United States. I'm not saying that I never indulged in a large glass of water before, but I can say that I barely drank it to reap it's benefits. Like the billions of people on New Years Eve that made new years' resolutions, one of my goals for the new year was to listen to my body and do right by her. This means taking care of her, making better and healthier decisions for her, and treating her with respect. It's also a great time to mention, I am always on the move and can be quite lazy at times.

Four months into the new year and "new me", I have disciplined myself to drink at least 3 16-oz bottles of water (about  48 ounces). Even though it is smaller than the "recommended" amount of water, it's the beginning of a life long journey. At 48 ounces of water a day, I have seen and experienced some astonishing results.

1. I Become Full Much Faster

I have no shame in shouting to the world that I love food and my body enjoys food. My problem with my food cravings is that I am also greedy and love to finish a meal. About a week into drinking 48 ounces of water, I noticed that my body gave up on the idea of finishing a meal. As much as I wanted to eat more and give into my greedy temptations, my body told me no. There was no way that I could ignore what my body was telling me, so I was forced to stop eating.

2. I Started to Shed Weight Fast

The rumors are true! The more you drink water, the easier it is for your body to lose weight. in addition to becoming more full, I started to shed weight in my stomach and legs. My body was looking as good as it felt!

3. My Face Cleared Up

Three words: Melanin. On. Fleek. After drinking water for two weeks, I saw my face acne began to clear up. It cleared up so well that I only had one or two pimples on my face! Adding drinking more water to my daily face regime gave me amazing results.

4. It Flushes Away A Lot of Toxins

I was talking with some friends about my new found glory in drinking water and one of them suggested the reason why my melanin was so fleeked was due to my body flushing the bad toxins in my body. According to, "Higher fluid intake increases the volume of urine passing through the kidneys." This means that when you drink a lot of water, your body releases the bad toxins you don't need when you urine.

5. I Had So Much More Energy

As I said in the beginning, I am always on the move. My long days usually drains me of everything I have and I am left exhausted. When I started drinking water infused with lemons, I had more energy to finish my day. I didn't have as much puffiness under my eyes and I yawn way less frequently now.

So instead of grabbing a cup of juice or a can of pop, get a glass of water to say thank you to your body!

Black Butterfly

I cry for you, Black Butterfly.
They tell you that it takes months before you're ready to fly.
They tell you to wait.
They tell you to listen.
They tell you there is only one way you can fly.

Already caged before you fly, Black Butterfly.

You see, Black Butterfly, there is a process to this.
This shield was made to protect you from their world.
This shield that is only yours.
Then you begin to transform.
You are no longer you.
It is not until the end of this transformation that you learn how you've changed.

You are not the same, Black Butterfly.

I pray for you, Black Butterfly.
Because your wings are ready, but delicate and unfamiliar.
You've been in your cocoon for so long.
You know not of the winds that dance around you.
But don't you worry, Black Butterfly, the winds of the world is ready for you.
You'll spend minutes, maybe hours, or even days dancing with the wind until you find your rhythm.
Don't be discourages when you're lost and nonrhythmic.
It isn't uncommon for Black Butterflies to lose their way,

Remember, Black Butterfly, they all begin like you.
Scared. Lost. Raw.
This transformation gave you a new pair of eyes to see new things.
This transformation gave you antennas to help you find a new path.

With your new wings, Black Butterfly, you are ready to fly.

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